TEL AVIV – Lidhja Arabe të Shtunën kundërshtoi unanimisht planin e zbuluar të Presidentit Donald Trump, duke bërë që një zyrtar i lartë i Shtëpisë së Bardhë të pohojë që fati i Palestinezëve nuk do të ndryshojë kurrë.
Udhëheqësit Arabë thanë në një deklaratë të bllokut pan-Arab, “kundërshtojnë marrëveshjen e shekullit SHBA-Izrael” duke konsideruar se ai nuk përmbush të drejtat minimale dhe aspiratat e popullit Palestinez.”
Ata gjithashtu u zotuan të mos “bashkëpunojnë me administratën e SHBA për të zbatuar këtë plan.”
Në planin e Trump do të shihej krijimi i një shteti Palestinez, por të demilitarizuar, në pjesën më të madhe të Bregut Perëndimor me pjesë të Jeruzalemit Lindor që ndodhen jashtë gardhit të sigurisë së Izraelit si kryeqyteti i tij.
Jeruzalemi do të mbetej i pandarë dhe nën kontrollin e Izraelit.
Izraelit do t’i lejohej të aneksonte të gjitha vendbanimet hebraike në Bregun Perëndimor dhe Luginën Jordan.
Udhëheqësit Arabë paralajmëruan Izraelin te mos ndërmarrë hapa të njëanshëm drejt aneksimit, duke thënë se do t’i bënin thirrje komunitetit ndërkombëtar që të mos e lejonte atë.
Presidenti i Autoritetit Palestinez Mahmoud Abbas njoftoi në samitin e emergjencës së Lidhjes në Kajro,Egjipt, se ai do ndërpresë të gjitha lidhjet me SHBA dhe Izraelin në përgjigje të planit, përfshirë të gjitha lidhjet e sigurisë.
“Unë kurrë nuk do ta pranoj këtë zgjidhje,” tha Abbas. “Nuk dua te kem ne rekordet e mia të historisë time se kam shitur Jeruzalemin.”
“Ne nuk jemi nihilistë,” shtoi ai.
Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas attends an Arab League emergency meeting discussing the U.S.-brokered proposal for a settlement of the Middle East conflict at the league headquarters in the Egyptian capital Cairo on February 1, 2020. (KHALED DESOUKI/AFP via Getty Images)
Abbas announced he would present a counter-offer before the United Nations Security Council.
Arab leaders applauded Abbas’ remarks, and promised they would stand by the Palestinians.
Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan said, “Peace efforts should seek to achieve a just solution that includes Palestinian rights. Saudi Arabia will always support the choices of the Palestinian people.”
Jordan’s foreign minister, Ayman Safadi, said: “We warn against the consequences of any unilateral Israeli step that will determine facts on the ground.” He said establishing and developing settlements was “a breach of international law.”
While Egypt had initially supported the plan, it said at the meeting that it now stood “in line with international resolutions, on establishing a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.”
Earlier, Egypt had said it welcomed Trump’s efforts and encouraged Israelis and Palestinians to “study the plan closely” in order to establish an “independent and sovereign state on the occupied Palestinian territories.”
Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit said Trump’s plan represented a “marked departure” from decades of U.S. policy towards the conflict.
“This turn does not help achieve peace and a just solution,” he said.
The UAE had a more positive response, with its foreign minister, Anwar Gargash, saying, “It is important … to come out with a constructive stance, a realistic stance and a positive strategy that goes beyond just condemnation.”
According to Israeli journalist Barak Ravid writing for the Axios website, the White House failed to build a coalition of Arab countries that would prevent an Arab League resolution against the plan.
In response to the Arab League’s rejection, a senior U.S. official on Saturday released a statement saying that such rejectionism would never ease the decades-long suffering of the Palestinians.
“It is only by having a wiliness [sic] to try a new approach that we will make a breakthrough in a conflict that has left the Palestinian people to suffer for decades,” he said.
“Past Arab League resolutions have placated Palestinian leadership and not led to peace or progress and it is important to try a new approach or the Palestinian people’s fate will not change.” the official added.